All tools

Python env with Jupyter LAB

For our first a few laboratories we will use just python codes. Check what is Your Python3 environment.

In the terminal try first:

# and

I have python3 (You shouldn’t use python 2.7 version) so i create a new and a clear python environment.

The easiest way how to run a JupyterLab with your new python env. For You can choose what You want.

python3 -m venv <name of Your env>

source <name of your env>/bin/activate
# . env/bin/activate
pip install --no-cache --upgrade pip setuptools

pip install jupyterlab numpy pandas matplotlib scipy
# or
pip install -r requirements.txt


go to web browser: localhost:8888

If You want rerun jupyterlab (after computer reset) just go to Your folder and run:

source <name of your env>/bin/activate

Python env with JupyterLAB Docker Version

Cookiecutter project

From GitHub repository You can find how to use a cookiecutter for any data science project or other kind of programs.

To run and build full dockerfile project: Create python env and install cookiecutter library.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip --no-cache install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install cookiecutter

and run:


You can run a cookiecutter project directly from GitHub repo.

Answer questions:

cd jupyterlab
docker-compose up -d --build

To stop:

docker-compose down

Cookiecutter with config yaml file

  1. Python, Julia, R
  2. All + Apache Spark

Clone repo and run:

python3 -m cookiecutter --no-input --config-file=spark_template.yml --overwrite-if-exists

Start with GitHub

Text from web site

When You working on a project, e.g. a master’s thesis, (alone or in a team) you often need to check what changes, when and by whom were introduced to the project. The “version control system” or GIT works great for this task.

You can download and install Git like a regular program on any computer. However, most often (small projects) you use websites with some kind of git system. One of the most recognized is GitHub ( which allows you to use the git system without installing it on your computer.

In the free version of the GitHub website, you can store your files in public (everyone has access) repositories. We will only focus on the free version of GitHub:

git --version


At the highest level, there are individual accounts (eg. or those set up by organizations. Individual users can create ** repositories ** public (public) or private (private).

One file should not exceed 100 MB.

Repo (shortcut to repository) is created with Create a new repository. Each repo should have an individual name.


The main (created by default) branch of the repository is named master.

Most important commends

  • clone of Your repository
git clone https://adres_repo.git

In github case, you can download the repository as a ‘zip’ file.

  • Repository for local directory
# new directory
mkdir datamining
cd datamining
# init repo
git init
# there sould be a .git new directory
# add file
echo "Info " >>
  • local and web version connection
git remote add origin<twojGit>/nazwa.git
  • 3 steps
# status check
git status
# 1. add all changes
git add .
# 2. commit all changes with message
git commit -m " message "
# 3. and
git push origin master

You can watch Youtube course.

All the necessary programs will be delivered in the form of docker containers.

Start with Docker

In order to download the docer software to your system, go to the page.

If everything is installed correctly, follow these instructions:

  1. Check the installed version
docker --version
  1. Download and run the image Hello World and
docker run hello-world
  1. Overview of downloaded images:
docker image ls

docker images
  1. Overview of running containers:
docker ps 

docker ps -all
  1. Stopping a running container:
docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
  1. Container removal
docker rm -f <CONTAINER ID>

I also recommend short intro

Docker as an application continuation tool

Docker with jupyter notebook